Danielle ​McC​urdy

Mi​dlife Masterpiece Coach for Women

About Da​nielle

As a certified life and health coach,

I help women create their midlife ​masterpiece for their second half of ​life. Harness the wisdom and ​strength built over the decade and ​create a life/style that you dream of, ​so you feel confident, strong, s*xy, ​vibrant and excited about midlife.

I lost myself in my 40s due to ​perimenopause, young children, ​international moves and an unhappy ​marriage. I took back my power and ​lost 50 lbs, got a great job after 5 ​years out of the corporate world, ​ended a 20+ year marriage and ​found ​out that midlife is SO GOOD.

Even if your life looks like an extra ​spicy hot mess, I am here to help ​you create your midlife ​masterpiece.

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